I went to my first photography class last night, which I am pretty excited about. I've always been interested in photography, but I've never taken formal classes for it. Well, I did take Photo I during my second year in college and somehow got the film jammed in my dad's 35-year-old Minolta, got way behind in classwork and had to drop out halfway through. I don't really count that one.
I got to class a little more than 10 minutes early, but the class was already mostly full. I took a seat all the way in the back. I wanted to be near the front at least, but I guess people started getting there 30 minutes early or something.
I got to sit behind a flamingly gay, 18-year-old, self-proclaimed expert wedding photographer. He was dressed in a newsboy cap, patterned hoodie, Gap 1969 skinny-legged jeans and black/white Converse. His boxers were also from the Gap. How do I know? I spent half the class being distracted by smiley faced Jack'o lanterns, frowny faced Jack'o lanterns and upside down Jack'o lanterns.